How to get a start-up business off the ground

how to get your start up off the ground

Are you thinking of bringing a dream business idea of yours to reality? Maybe you already have, but the monetary results you were hoping for haven’t started flowing as much as you’d hoped quite yet. Digital marketing is a great way to gain tracks when you’re trying to get your business on the map. That’s why we’ve created a list of what we think are imperatives in digital marketing for a start-up business.


Starting with a strategy or general idea of where your business is going is fundamental to starting up your business efficiently. More so, without knowing exactly who your buyer is, how do you know the most effective way to reach them so they can buy your offering? When you’re trying to get your start-up business off the ground, a good place to start is to decide who exactly your buyers may be and how those people will buy your product or service that you’re selling.

Buyer Persona Factors to consider include:

  • Name
  • Age group
  • Job
  • Income
  • Location
  • What problem are they trying to solve with your offering?
  • How do they research products online (i.e. through looking on a page’s Instagram channel, directly to their website, google reviews etc.)
  • Their favourite social media channels (i.e. which social media platform do they tend to spend the most time on?)
  • Their favourite customer support channel (which channels are the most likely to be convenient for your customers i.e. email, social media, phone, live chat, or maybe even a FAQ page on your site)

By having an idea about who your customers may be, marketing through the correct channels can save you a lot of extra time from working on channels with little value for your target audience, as well as money saved developing channels with low value. This can also help give you an idea on what likes and preferences they may have; ultimately telling you which marketing efforts they’re more likely to respond positively to.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is when a business uploads any form of content (this includes blog posts, videos, social media posts, infographics, plugins, educational articles and other forms of entertainment) which is used as part of the brand’s long-term strategy. Content marketing is great because it also helps reduce negative impacts such as customer churn rate (the percentage of lost customers) and improves the customer lifetime value (the long term relationship between the consumer and brand, as well as the monetary value that comes with that).

Content marketing can be an authentic vehicle to convey your brand to new consumers that could be interested in your brand’s offerings but have no interest in online spaces which just feel like a big advertisement. With the increase of ad blockers being used, this trend is likely to grow (meaning content marketing is another area likely to grow too).

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

With social media becoming more intertwined with our daily living, it makes a great opportunity for business owners to incorporate marketing efforts onto such an accessible platform for consumers to interact with. Social Media Marketing (SMM) is part of the content marketing realm and can be important for any business’ digital marketing strategy because of the personal connection which fosters between the brand and consumer. Consequently, you’ll increase their top of mind awareness of your brand (bonus!), so when they’re ready to buy, they’ll think of you first.

SMM is a great way for consumers to find value in your brand, which ultimately leads to more trust in your offerings. This is good because greater trust leads to easier conversions (i.e. purchases with fewer efforts to make them pay). By posting articles, photos and other content which your target audience will find interesting and valuable to read, this creates the opportunity your brand to become a thought leader within your industry (i.e. trusted and experts in their field).

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Marketing

Search Engine Optimisation is an imperative factor for a long-term digital marketing strategy. SEO is an incredibly important area because of the impact it can have on organic search results (in other words, google searches which do not use paid promotion to appear), which consequently can increase the amount of traffic to your site. Essentially if Google’s algorithm can read your site’s information easy and the site works well, you’re more likely to rank further towards the top result in Google’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Why would you not want more free and relevant online traffic to your page?

SEO services & responsibilities tend to include:

  • The technical structure of the website and audits of current SEO performance
  • Keyword research, tracking and analysis to identify and implement potential opportunities
  • Recommend blog ideas or write blogs for you based on previous performance data and keyword research
  • Local SEO (optimising for geographic areas close to your business)
  • Site usability and user engagement
  • Content creation and optimisation for usability and higher relevance
  • Interlinking/ internal linking

Google Analytics Data

Google Analytics is an incredibly powerful tool to see which pages are performing well against Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), regarding that you can use it effectively. This tool is great because it pulls actual performance data from your website and allows you to compare against metrics to see how your site viewers are interacting with individual pages of your site. This can show which pages are the most popular, which pages have high value to viewers, and even how many people have scrolled past an online of yours (if you are running Google Ads too).

So… What Next?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the options to get your digital marketing strategy to set up your start-up business initially, come and chat to us at LOGIC1 so we can point you in the right direction. From initial marketing strategy planning, through to optimisation and advanced digital advertising, we have something to offer your business when it’s first launching.